Testing Standards

Items submitted to us for testing will be tested in accordance with the following ASTM/ANSI standards:

Product ASTM/ANSI Standard
GlovesD120, F496-08
SleevesD1051, F496-08
BlanketsD1048, F479-06
Line HoseD1050, F478-09
Hot SticksF711-02
Hot Line ToolsF711-02
Plastic GuardsD712

Test Procedures

Below are details about each of the steps we take while cleaning, inspecting, and testing all primary protective rubber products:

Solvent Cleaning

Solvent is environmentally acceptable; MSDS statement provided.

Detergent Washing

Mild detergent is used; MSDS statement provided.

Dielectric Testing

In accordance with ASTM standards, products are rejected during this step for either:
a) electrical breakdown, or
b) leakage current exceeding maximum limits set forth by the ASTM standards.


All products are dried with circulating warm air.

Visual Inspection

Rubber goods are carefully inspected both inside and out for signs of cracking due to age, imperfections in the material, minor tears, chemical attack, and corona cutting.


Rubber goods have the certification date stamped directly on the product in ink and are labeled in accordance with ASTM standards.


Rubber goods will be packed in cartons.
Rejected gloves shall be so marked and returned.


Written certification of test results will be furnished for all tested materials.